If it weren't for a basically guaranteed $50K to C9W they would definitely go far in challengers, maybe even qualify for masters two
People mad underestimating the female scene of valorant
nutab1e [#2]I'm pretty sure they're trying their best in challengers
Theyve won like 4 times in a row so yeah, its just cuz there's so much money in game changers anyways, it would be cool to see how they do in challengers tho
LouBag [#4]0/8
They play in weekly tournaments sometimes and get bounced by t3 teams.
Tenz has said that some of the GC pros (meL) would do really well in challengers, they also haven't pushed to their limit by the GC teams, but they do have a lot of potential.
Mortadelo [#5]You realize they get stomped in tier 2 tournaments right?
yeah i probably hyped them up a little too much but they have potential
They get absolutely dominated by no name teams which can be seen in their match history. I'm talking T3 and below.
You're right that they will stay on the women only roster because they make so much more money by doing that, and guaranteed good pay and no pressure to do well as a woman in a male dominated competitive scene
romanval [#9]they shit talk their t1 female rivals saying shits so easy but get the living shit beat out of them in these tournaments idk where the ego develops from i watched one GC game and thought this was some ranked gameplay
Avix [#7]yeah i probably hyped them up a little too much but they have potential
You definitely exaggerated a lot, but it’s true that they have the potential, just need time.
But honestly more importantly what we need to do is just grow the female player base, they shouldn’t really have a biological disadvantage like in other sports, but there are way less girls playing which makes the chances of having a superstar way lower.
“Kinda like saying MENA is worse than the other regions” Well yeah ofc, but the player base is way lower, is just statistics atp
And to increase the amount of female players what we need is to reduce toxicity in the game (and not only in rankeds). Honestly no idea of how to do that tho or if it is even possible
Avix [#3]Theyve won like 4 times in a row so yeah, its just cuz there's so much money in game changers anyways, it would be cool to see how they do in challengers tho
i dont think you understand that theyre not banned from challengers, its just they cant get out of the qualifiers against tier 2-3 teams and all their recent games are against female teams