Since people are so delusional

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Here’s why CS is harder than Valorant

  1. Movement : you have to counter strafe unlike Valorant. Bunny hopping requires skill to be consistent. You cannot just spam jump or crouch.

  2. Gunplay : Can be split into many categories.

  • head hitbox in Valorant is big as fuck, even if your crosshair isn’t on the head you will still hit the shot sometimes.

  • anyone who has played CS knows how much of a joke Valorant’s recoil is. CS recoil is much harder to control and that’s why most of your shots need to be a headshot.

  • spray pattern in Valorant is RNG unlike CS, this means kills and spray transfers are much more random

  • RUN and GUN : running or even jumping inaccuracy in Valorant is too less

  1. Well balanced : No overpowered weapons like classic right click, judge (one shot machine gun), marshal (machine gun sniper) and odin (machine gun with 0 recoil) as well as overpowered ults can that even low elo players can abuse. This lowers the skill ceiling by alot.

  2. Hearing : In CSGO it’s a lot harder to distinguish where players footsteps are compared to Valorant. You even get a radius that shows how far people can hear your footsteps which lets you know when exactly you should run/walk

  3. Maps : no much explanation needed, maps in CSGO are much bigger with more choke points except for dust 2.

  4. General mechanics : You have to stand still to be fully accurate when throwing utility, you have to look at bomb to actually defuse. Armor penetration exists and 4 damage zones instead of 3. Defuse kit that’s required if not it takes forever to defuse bomb.

For people saying “Valorant has abilities” just contradicts your point. It makes the skill ceiling much lower because even low elo people can abuse it and get easy kills/info with it.

This game is not built for pro play... was literally made for casuals


Valorant has abilites, a deeper game sense is needed as well.


stopped reading at Issax28


Lol just because cs has higher ceiling on certain mechanics doesnt mean its a harder game,valorant has a 10 times higher ceiling then cs when it comes to positioning,team coordonation and overall strategy.Stop comparing valorant by cs standards and go educate yourself by looking at my ,,CSGO is NOT harder than valorant" post


easiest Ballsax28 comment of my ballsax28 commenting career

r0z [#3]

stopped reading at Issax28

W choice



r0z [#3]

stopped reading at Issax28


Avix [#2]

Valorant has abilites, a deeper game sense is needed as well.

not really honestly, im high elo in both games and its the same to me, valorant a bit easier because abilities give u info/can check ur flank, u dont really need to be careful about defaulting because you have an alarmbot that can close the map for you, definetely easier imo

valorantfanboy69 [#4]

Lol just because cs has higher ceiling on certain mechanics doesnt mean its a harder game,valorant has a 10 times higher ceiling then cs when it comes to positioning,team coordonation and overall strategy.Stop comparing valorant by cs standards and go educate yourself by looking at my ,,CSGO is NOT harder than valorant" post

names checks out + not true, valorant positioning is a joke and team coordination and strategy basically the same, strategy is way easier since you have abilities that can secure your flank/give you info like wtf, you dont even need to have a proper default in valorant, its so easy to get info and map control


true but the game is meant to attract noobs so doubt they will change anything, so much potential being wasted


Ok, now let's move on.


You're a dumbass but its even more hilarious how people cant accept this fact so they just say "ok" or basically the same thing when someone proved they are wrong ballsax

idkbro [#10]

names checks out + not true, valorant positioning is a joke and team coordination and strategy basically the same, strategy is way easier since you have abilities that can secure your flank/give you info like wtf, you dont even need to have a proper default in valorant, its so easy to get info and map control

The more utility there is and the easier it is to use=the harder positioning,coordination and strategy is
Csgo frogs downfragging me because im right and their egos are to fragile to be able to understand their game isnt superior to other games 🥱

valorantfanboy69 [#14]

The more utility there is and the easier it is to use=the harder positioning,coordination and strategy is
Csgo frogs downfragging me because im right and their egos are to fragile to be able to understand their game isnt superior to other games 🥱

not really true if that utility makes the game easier also what positioning? its not even that important since hitting shots is so easy

more utility =/= harder strategy

idkbro [#15]

not really true if that utility makes the game easier also what positioning? its not even that important since hitting shots is so easy

more utility =/= harder strategy

The easy utlity usage doesnt make the game easier,it makes it harder.You have to think 7 times before standing in a corner because depending on the enemy comp u can get flashed,naded,revealed,stunned,etc.Cs utlity is so hard to use that the entire game is pretty much just aim simulator and the strategical ceiling is nowhere close to that of valorant
More utility = harder strategy


Question is: Who asked?


Most of these points are assuming CS is the only game that can be compared to Valorant. Val in its own right is different and will have different mechanics than CSGO. Comapring CS to Val is like comparing Dota to LoL. Both different games but have different mechanics that appeal to their respective player base.

valorantfanboy69 [#16]

The easy utlity usage doesnt make the game easier,it makes it harder.You have to think 7 times before standing in a corner because depending on the enemy comp u can get flashed,naded,revealed,stunned,etc.Cs utlity is so hard to use that the entire game is pretty much just aim simulator and the strategical ceiling is nowhere close to that of valorant
More utility = harder strategy

worst logic ever, probably baiting so gn

Shownu [#18]

Most of these points are assuming CS is the only game that can be compared to Valorant. Val in its own right is different and will have different mechanics than CSGO. Comapring CS to Val is like comparing Dota to LoL. Both different games but have different mechanics that appeal to their respective player base.

both valorant and league created by riot and both very noob friendly mechanics compared to their counterparts, its not a bad strategy from a business pov but still its bad for highly skilled players specially in valorant, sometimes I play on my smurf with some lower ranked friends and the amount of bad players that dont even have good aim that hit incredible shots is amazing

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