comes down a 1v1 and they yell "NICE!!"
weak mindset if you ask me.
nobody asked you
shut up
Zeta bandwagoners malding... AHAHAHAHAH
team with indian coach lmao
Something wrong with Indians?
Yeah sure let's get negative inside the game and flame our teammates because they did something wrong
What are they supposed to do then? Flame TENNN or crow for nearly losing the round?
Strange statement
no but lets not yell "NIIICE!" like its an acceptable round. they almost lost and should re-focus rather than false confidence. its not healthy.
VLR analyst > Pros.
You leave the critics for the after-game. Inside it you do what you had planned and maintain a positive mindset.
win round : NOOO kek
i agree honestly. polar ace would do better
and now liquid got ecoed lol