It would be so fucking insane
Aspas vs Jinggg
SaadHak vs Benkai
Sacy vs D4v41
Pancada vs mindfreak
Less vs f0rsakeN
It was their debut with 2 young players that were isolated from the rest of the team, they had a LOT of pressure on them, and even then they managed to win against a really good team. I believe they'll come back more relaxed this sunday, and probably will have fixed some of their mistakes, don't lose faith in them yet!
To be fair, Less is really young, only 16y/o, this was the biggest event he ever played in and he also was isolated due to covid, so it's not unusual for him to feel all the pressure more then anyone else without the direct support from his teammates. But yeah, Aspas and Pancada did really well for their first international lan, and i think they can still do even better next game.