Got the mage punk op and forsaken vandal, which one is worth it?
What did y'all get?
TuNyyy [#4]Vandal: Prime, Giaia
Op: Reaver
buy Magipunk op then... you already have the best Vandal of all time (prime)
kbkdark [#6]buy Magipunk op then... you already have the best Vandal of all time (prime)
I don't use op tho
WinterZ [#22]Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster Op
Origin Vandalrest aint worth mentioning
Origin vandal low key nice but it would be so much better if it didn't fuck up my ears every time you shoot.
delusional_sentinels_fan1 [#23]Both are nice. If you buy the op you get Derke skin buff though so I would go with that.
yea i think ill go for the op because i already have reaver vandal. I have no op skin