why arent there pickems for gc?? i want to put dartmonkeys winning (as they will)
edit - fixed fartmonkeys to dartmonkeys
Neeraj [#2]FartDonkeys are worst team in Game changers , stop being delusional poopmeister
Silly neeraj, i dont support fartdonkeys, i support dartmonkeys! The best team in game changers
DELUSIONAL_POTTER_FAN [#3]probably for the main stage
tbh i didnt realize that we were in closed qualifiers cool hopefully we will get them for main
spookmeister [#4]Silly neeraj, i dont support fartdonkeys, i support dartmonkeys! The best team in game changers
you are not poopmeister tho or you are?
they have a good logo tho , fartdonkeys got this !!!
Neeraj [#6]you are not poopmeister tho or you are?
they have a good logo tho , fartdonkeys got this !!!
I feel accomplished to have gotten another person to take on the dart monkeys flair!
spookmeister [#7]I feel accomplished to have gotten another person to take on the dart monkeys flair!
best flair ever (after bonkers) 😈
DELUSIONAL_POTTER_FAN [#17]vlr made purest!
ratio + whoever was born to be enigma will never be purest
enigma [#8]there will be for the main event
bro where are my stars????
This is not healthy at all