Fokus seem to be dominating German league rn who else will be a strong contender for promotion?
whoever who wins any vrl will be a very good contender but i think the best contenders will be tebstar, spain champion and fokus
Case Surreal BDS Fokus in no order
SMB and BIG tbh
Mortadelo [#5] SMB and BIG tbh
Agree with BIG but SMB is shite
I think Tenstar is the best considering they shit on everybody in playoffs in the most competitive VRL
SMB are awful
idk but i think the strongest conternders for promotion will be the winners of DACH, Northern Europe and spain
Olofboost [#7] I think Tenstar is the best considering they shit on everybody in playoffs in the most competitive VRL
agreed tbh
YvngKurry [#10] agreed tbh
Wtf clone