really glad they did this. we want to ensure the safety of everyone thank you riot!
apparently praying for everyone's safety is too much politics for this site so u should delete this asap!!!
edit: reformulated to make it clearer its sarcasm
How is worrying about a people's lives politics? whether this is a bait or not, this is not something to joke about.
its not "bait", this is obviously sarcasm cause mods were deleting threads praying for innocents yesterday how do yall not understand that?
well it isn't something to be sarcastic about either
im not being sarcastic about the situation im mocking the mods that were deleting threads spreading awareness :)
My bad. Didn't think about it that way
It was mocking the mods who are deleting threads, not laughing at the people who are affected or the people making threads for them.
ultra rare jblancard W