Personally: I am Iron 3.
hopefully iron 1, still need 1 more match to lose tho
What is your goal? bronze?
no, iron 1 so that I have some headroom if I accidentally win some games, I want the iron gun buddy
Iron 1 is impossible to get, so good luck. Radiant>iron 1>immortal 3 in terms of difficulty imo, idk how bad you have to play to get iron 1.
yeah I've been hardstuck iron 2 for the past month, always get smurfs that win my games even if i go 0/20
Sugma 3 (silver 3)
Last act gold 1, just revealed my rank for this season and its silver 1 with 3 lost 2 win 2 mvp. Sadge controller life
i was gold 2 peak plat 1 last act, placed into silver 1 :))))))))))))