rhagee [#22]
Yo wait... You just said that Spain will get 9 spot out of 10 cuz Portugal and Italy have "less fanbase"... true but Hey that's Competitive, it shouldn't mean that if a Region has more views should have more team,
what about meritocracy?
I mean, maybe there will be an invited Spanish team that took the spot of a stronger Portuguese/Italian team. Isn't that true?
Every other regions has Open qualifier for every spots, and only our Spanish/Portugal/Italy league has these invites.
I don't know... I think 9 out of 10 is too much, if you want the viewers you just go for a 5/10.... but 1 spot in Open Qualifier, yo that's soo bad.
No opportunities = No viewers.
Anyway there actually will be an official stream for Italy, but until "poor regions" can't get their teams to top competitions, it's also about this invitational system, not only that, but I think that's a huge part of the problem for these regions.
Anyway, it is what it is, everyone has to accept that despite it isn't "That right".
Well, again I partly agree, 9 itâs a bit too much, but actually is not that important now. Yes, the 9 orgs are gonna be Spanish, but the truth is that at the end of the day almost every single org is going for international rosters.
It is actually a meritocracy, the only Spanish players leaked that most likely are gonna be on the league are Fitinho and Quick for Giants, Lowel for Heretics and RAYZ for MRS, and I wouldnât be surprised if either Heretics or Giants make it to the European league and donât compete on Spain. Meanwhile teams like KOI or TQ are rumored to be covering the national spot with stark and kizpawn both portuguese.
No info about the rest of the teams, but non of them had already a established full Spanish roster, and for the moment is 3 teams with Spanish people and 2 with Portuguese people, 4 left.
No Italians, well, not for the moment, but if they had the level of both gameplay and English required they will be in. There is no reason for the Spanish orgs to give priority to a Portuguese in front of a Italian, itâs the same at the end of the day. I agree that Spanish players might be having a little advantage but again they bring more fanbase, and the priority is not even that big, many orgs are choosing Portugueses.
The problem here is not which nationality gets more spots, the problem is that the league is not national at all