Big_Floppa [#8]Confirmed or still rumours?
still “sources” but neL and the other sources that stated these things are very trusted and rarely wrong
KidFromCTown [#7]LOOOL gotta fact check before posting
"Source: Trust me bro" didn't go over well in his head.
KidFromCTown [#7]LOOOL gotta fact check before posting
it’s kinda weird how they would have nitr0 (an awper, yes an IGL, but he is playing with Val mechanics) and an awper Yk
Valerence [#15]it’s kinda weird how they would have nitr0 (an awper, yes an IGL, but he is playing with Val mechanics) and an awper Yk
wdym val mechanics?
KidFromCTown [#17]wdym val mechanics?
surely nitro is used to val mechanics and converting to cs again would be kinda iffy
PotatoCh1ps [#18]Nitro might not go back to csgo because
1.TL reportedly is about to sign oSee as an Awper which I think was nitro's role
- They alredy have 5 players figured out
Read neL's report
Just read that TL is about to sign oSee, so doesn't makes sense to have 2 awpers
PotatoCh1ps [#18]Nitro might not go back to csgo because
1.TL reportedly is about to sign oSee as an Awper which I think was nitro's role
- They alredy have 5 players figured out
nitr0 was forced to awp, was he not?
Valerence [#19]surely nitro is used to val mechanics and converting to cs again would be kinda iffy
Huh? He was a pro in Valorant for less than a year. He grinded CS for years and years.
Tobee [#23]nitr0 was forced to awp, was he not?
He wanted to, he is called The American Sniper for a reason
Valerence [#19]surely nitro is used to val mechanics and converting to cs again would be kinda iffy
not really. the guy has been playing fpl since forever. also val mechanics aren't really that complicated to the point that he had to learn a lot of new stuff and forget what he knew when he initially switched from CS to VAL.
Valerence [#19]surely nitro is used to val mechanics and converting to cs again would be kinda iffy
no? have u not seen autimatic and nitr0 playing csgo recently? theyre fucking demons still. aim wise val and csgo are similar. nitr0 only left cs for about a year and a half. same with auti. still cracked asf as ever
PotatoCh1ps [#25]He wanted to, he is called The American Sniper for a reason
Who tf called nitr0 "THE AMERICAN SNIPER" lmfao. He didn't want to awp he just took it up and when he was in TL they barely played the awp due to their insane rifling prowess. Nitr0's role is IGL not fucking awper so retarded.
PotatoCh1ps [#25]He wanted to, he is called The American Sniper for a reason
he didn't want to awp
that was the whole problem with 2019 Liquid. They kept getting rekt because they didn't have a good awper.
PotatoCh1ps [#25]He wanted to, he is called The American Sniper for a reason
He was forced to. Nobody else was comfortable with the awp and he was the only one with the best success in. It was autimatic who wanted to awp although he's from a different team.
KidFromCTown [#27]no? have u not seen autimatic and nitr0 playing csgo recently? theyre fucking demons still. aim wise val and csgo are similar. nitr0 only left cs for about a year and a half. same with auti. still cracked asf as ever
Naw not really I haven’t, only seen auti
kapteN [#16]In talks, very likely, but not confirmed. Given the state of 100t right now i bet it'll be announced soon
100T is a dead team
Build around asuna and Ethan and go from there. Maybe drop Hiko as well.
PotatoCh1ps [#22]Just read that TL is about to sign oSee, so doesn't makes sense to have 2 awpers
wdym lol you do realize he wasn’t a primary awper throughout his career lol.
Valerence [#15]it’s kinda weird how they would have nitr0 (an awper, yes an IGL, but he is playing with Val mechanics) and an awper Yk
Valorant’s mechanics are overall easier but these guys played CS for so long it’s like natural to them. Just got to go through the motions. If any val player decided to go back to cs it would probably all be the same.
Larry [#34]wdym lol you do realize he wasn’t a primary awper throughout his career lol.
Lol everyone knows that nitro wanted to play jett and op. That was the reason behind dropping steel
PotatoCh1ps [#22]Just read that TL is about to sign oSee, so doesn't makes sense to have 2 awpers
osee main primary awper. nitr0 rifler now ig.
teams often play 2 awps ct setup so nitr0 can play the awp too but t side osee is holding the big green gun.
KidFromCTown [#37]osee main primary awper. nitr0 rifler now ig.
teams often play 2 awps ct setup so nitr0 can play the awp too but t side osee is holding the big green gun.
Always good to have a secondary awp
KidFromCTown [#37]osee main primary awper. nitr0 rifler now ig.
teams often play 2 awps ct setup so nitr0 can play the awp too but t side osee is holding the big green gun.
Ig nitro will play the support role seeing the comp but not sure he want to be in that role
PotatoCh1ps [#39]Ig nitro will play the support role seeing the comp but not sure he want to be in that role
elige in an interview said that he nitr0 was always good/was still good before he left liquid. idk why they replaced him then. idk what elige meant with nitr0 still being good. maybe he meant his igl calls were still good? his aim wasnt that nuts but was p decent. yeah i guess he will b in a supportive role + igl. i dont know why theyre adding shox but oh well.