Goodbye KoreanJett
Mooony [#8]I feel my heart crack, the JP casters sound sad(disclaimer: I do not understand a single word they are saying)
Mooony [#8]I feel my heart crack, the JP casters sound sad(disclaimer: I do not understand a single word they are saying)
They're actually pretty proud that NTH got this far.
hellaeleganceyeah [#9]i mean he top fragged 3 of the 5 maps for his team, not really goodbye.
I mean last map defense his status was set to “feed full sense”
Mooony [#8]I feel my heart crack, the JP casters sound sad(disclaimer: I do not understand a single word they are saying)
ABitDeluded [#15]They're actually pretty proud that NTH got this far.
Yeah everyone should be, if ZETA didn't pull out we won't be seeing Nth make it. And that too they made Grand Finals.
hiyo [#17]I mean last map defense his status was set to “feed full sense”
he was getting read like a book every round but he is the only one who even went equal for his team that map so cant say too much about his performance.