be Artzin
-plays duelist, controller whatever team needs and is doing pretty good
for people saying put fns on init. doesnt matter if you are good enough you will frag on senti too( the easiest role btw)
you have to have half a brain cell to think senti is the easiest role to play
i think it by far is the easiest role, and thinking that any role is harder means that you dont know how to play any role to its maximum efficiency.
recon is 100x easier im ngl
bronze take
yeah you are very good at reading miss the point and argue about something else
senti is def not the easiest role, the nuances of lurking and solo anchoring are way too hard to naturally pick up quickly
not harder to frag than initator
irrelevant point
artzin is a chad but senti is only the easiest role in ranked