i might go 0/3 for americas pickems chat
ParodyAccount [#4]I think a lot of ppl did
yeah iirc it was almost 70% of pickems according to the leaderboard after the game
FrenchToast [#3]i had so much faith in s0m and mada before that match
NRG don't make internationals + fake S tier team + have FNS and ethan that can't frag. Should be obvious by now.
Bigfish [#9]aint no way always pick your team to win bro
i did this pickem BEFORE mwzera got dropped
i didnt change it
foythvlr [#12]i would be 2/2 atm if loud didnt fucking throw always believed in nrg capacity of being frauds
i knew my goat shyy would turn up. i was scared for a second when they were down 2-8