russian always better but gl
russian > turkish or turkish > russian?
Russian >>>
on cs yes
Good pick up. He doesn't have to IGL in this team so he can frag. He's always been a shooter on FNATIC
Yeah in 2020😭😭😭
Dinosaur era🥀
i mean he is decent. Can focus on fragging instaed of IGLing now and his fragging before was already okay. Definitely a big improvement over vakk.
Fuck the visa bullshit though. Chiwa deserved his shot
100% agree, feel bad for chiwa
we signing magnum while ardiis is still available </3 memea is fucked
bros acting like ardiis is still good
Ardis is 2x the player magnum is. I'd trust Adris in a brawl way more than I would trust magnum, no offence to Magnum but Goatdiis clears
literally 2x the player yeah
he is he was good last year asw
bro did NOT watch his games
ardiis would be an instant upgrade to like most teams in emea
for tier 2 teams yes
ardiis>qraxs ardiis>flor>molsi ardiis>r0nn0r ardiis>ange1(as an init) ardiis>k0cks>s0yf ardiis>>wo0t>>>b00t ardiis>shititek ardiis>k0m0k ardiis>>soulass ardiis>jamppi(not igling)
so braindead like ardiss
a couple are iffy like wo0t but 95% of this list is valid as hell
u dont know how this game works bro lol keep watching your fat orc fartdiss
russians being unlucky like usual, shame because chiwas quite good and has been for a while
I am so triggered RN , but ig he is an ok replacement but chiwa is way better than magnum
Magnum still better than Vakk tho
yeah also his Experience with Engh and Marteen could come handy in 1st game so not to bad of a pick considering the group