Japan/APAC come, is the Japan region finished?

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I've been following the T2/T1 J-Val scene for at least 2 years now. I'm not pro material, but I've consistently played at a decent level, so I'd like to think I have half a cent to give on this topic.

For background, I hit Radiant on a duelist-only account last year, and I've hovered around Immortal 3 in Sentinel, floating in and out of Radiant consistently (B0byJ, my GOAT). I'm conversational in Japanese because of my mother, so comms weren't a problem.

For the last act, I've been exclusively playing on a solo queue Tokyo account, hovering around 110-ish ping as a challenge. I played Sentinel and reached Immortal 3 after the previous act in about 120ish games. Starting at G3 and ended at low Immortal 3.

Why am I making this post? I’m fully convinced that the Japanese scene will 100% die within the next few years if the region's mentality and play don't change. The same level of players in America—upper Plat/Diamond out—have IQ comparable to your average high Ascendant/low Immortal players, and the high Elo Immortals (and even some Radiants I watch on stream) are some of the biggest idiots of all time.

The ENTIRE region is on fraud watch, and I would LIKE to think I know why, but I need natives or APAC players to tell me if I'm wrong or give me the bigger picture.

  1. The Japanese have to change their gaming culture (impossible, will never happen).

The community surrounding the Japanese scene is unfortunately "soft" (this sounds cringe, but it's true) and suffers from an overbearing anti-toxicity, "no criticism" mentality. You literally cannot call out people for being dumb in games, even at the high level, or you’ll get flamed and shamed for being toxic. I've watched people throw over and over in ranked and on Radiant streams, and no one EVER says ANYTHING. The macro knowledge simply doesn't exist in the region, and it's so unbelievably frustrating. Even casters put on weird commentary if there's in-game BM, because god forbid you shoot a body or two. There is simply NO ROOM for new ideas. If you watch a team do something stupid, the chat/streamers will just be like "aaa NT!!" and then it's easily the worst play of all time.

I had to stop saying "don't peek," "chill, we have numbers," or trying to call for resets because at some point I started saying it too much and people got upset. In literally any other region, the same comms wouldn't even bat an eye or cause issues. This is coming from someone who strives for a good VC experience and aims for positive comms no matter the situation.

  1. T2 imports NEED to be changed or outright banned

Let me make this 100% clear: THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO TALENT BEING CURATED IN JAPAN IN 2025. Korea is a farm, and they are planting the seeds for absolute domination with the way regulations are set up. Koreans treat Japan as a jungle gym... (Also, how are you gonna be on Riddle for that long and still muster up shit Japanese in-game AND out???)

  1. ZETA needs to be relegated, ASAP

XQQ was promoted back into position... all I've got to say for that one, LOL. Laz couldn't hold it together and finish strong, as even he got checked by global VAL standards.


WHAT am I missing??? I feel like the region is doomed and Korea will become the dominant force in years to come. NA is full of paycheck stealers, EMEA gets reality-checked nowadays, and CN might as well be renamed to EDG and friends.

Don't even get me started on DFM, bro. The amount of DFM hype after their win against PRX on Pearl had people shilling the team like it was a meme coin. PRX were OBVIOUSLY at their worst form, and it almost looked like they were gonna break apart/restructure.

(Side note: In Japan, it feels like you 13-0 or get 13-0'd. it's fucking brutal.)


We need Blue Lock but for valorant-none of these players have ego





  • Japan's VALORANT scene is dying unless the region drastically changes its mentality and playstyle.
  • Mentality issues: Overbearingly "soft" gaming culture with no room for criticism or macro improvement. Players avoid confrontation even at the highest level. Even minor comms like "don't peek" get seen as toxic.
  • T2 imports are a joke: No real talent is being developed in Japan; Korean imports treat the region as a stepping stone.
  • ZETA is cooked: XQQ being rehired proves they have no long-term vision. Laz fell off.
  • Korea will dominate Japan soon because their infrastructure and talent pipeline are miles ahead.
  • DFM hype is delusional: Their win vs. PRX meant nothing since PRX was at their lowest.
  • Japan's ranked experience is painful: 13-0s are way too common, macro knowledge is nonexistent, and even Radiants play like low Immortals elsewhere.



Great server, no one needs a toxic idiot who gets 5/20/1 but repeats "don't peek" every round to those with 20/5/10.


yes, this server is good for people who just want to get kills with bait teammate every round and exit kills


is this IonlywatchvcjXD's alt?

if not, then here's my suggestion

u gotta let more premier teams play, the more teams they play the more they start to develop

I think they need to have a more unique and diverse playstyles to be more sort of unpredictable

I think change needs to be gradual for it to actually be effective and efficient. Reduce the import slot to 1 player then make it 0 if it does prove to be effective

As for pro play, I also think they need to be more of an experimental region, constantly trying to incorporate wacky ass ideas in a game like Valorant

hot take but I think Japan needs to have a separate client just like in Korea so that only JP players can play against each other


No? I'm not that desperate, I just don't feel like posting anything. And anything I said have been said and I don't like talking about the same thing all the time.

Even when talking about the same thing I want to talk things from a new/improved perspective

If you don't call my name out I would have just been quite 😂😂


I'm gonna act like Yutaro and Northeption Youth doesn't exist.

Sometimes I wish people should learn to shut up at things they don't know shit about.


They need opportunities to play against other pacific teams more, you're not gonna improve if you are playing teams that are equally as bad as you


The “infrastructure and talent pipeline” is a bit of a myth. If your game is more skillful and technical, maybe this can play a big role.
But 80-90% of this game is about hovering over images on the screen and clicking faster. And there is a certain percentage of babies born everywhere in the world with innately good eye-hand coordination.

Whether your region is complete with factories that turn those babies into actual killing machines or just a bunch of empty lots, there are enough to fill five members of a tier one team.
And it doesn't take that much money to raise a video game addicted kid. CIS/SEA has bad infrastructure and is the most financially vulnerable of all regions, but the levels in those regions are quite solid.


Well bruh you've also explained Indian valo scene in this as well lmaooo

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