weird way to say xolos
weird way to spell NV
i cannot wait to watch them make it to ascension finals and CHOKE again
Weird way to say untameable beasts
odd way to spell xolos is there a language barrier?
M80 easily has the highest potential out of any team, surely they don't choke 3 times in a row
vctscrims [#6] odd way to spell xolos is there a language barrier?
u know ball
you don’t know ball
envyz [#7] M80 easily has the highest potential out of any team, surely they don't choke 3 times in a row
surely with all new players the choke curse is gone right
3rd time is a charm
killing my self
michaelisupset [#12] killing my self
all good is just split 1
michaelisupset [#10] surely with all new players the choke curse is gone right
they can't win a finals tho