Does he have some kind of images or info of all the org owners that he's getting picked up so easily even when he's the most mid players ?
delighted [#3]he has no choice but to join APK, it's the only team in Tier 1 rn that he can join at his current level of play
But my complain is how is he even getting picked up by apeks when there are so many good t2 players
Uribaba [#6]But my complain is how is he even getting picked up by apeks when there are so many good t2 players
APK don't have that good scouting as they used to have. The managemebt isn't as good as they were anymore.
Uribaba [#6]But my complain is how is he even getting picked up by apeks when there are so many good t2 players
Apeks don't know how to talent scout. And everyone knows they're gonna get auto relegated at the end of the year anyway so why would you join them
delighted [#8]APK don't have that good scouting as they used to have. The managemebt isn't as good as they were anymore.
They have that good T2 scooting
Uribaba [#6]But my complain is how is he even getting picked up by apeks when there are so many good t2 players
Governor isn’t that bad compared to whatever tier 2 player they’d get. He did make champs after all
But either way apeks don’t want to spend more than they have to, governor being free agent lets them save even more
MrBlooBloom [#5]Scrim merchant fs
lol i highly doubt he even scrimmed with apeks hes still in korea
Hakujitsu [#4]Bro gov is mid but apeks is fucked rn they need to rescue player that experience higher than team So apeks chose gov
Mid is still an upgrade to bad