cned ardiis robbiebk natank trexx
Cned and Ardiis gonna start eating those 3
fat shamers
Wait bro be real are u fat at all?
U sound fat
I'm not
Stop lying
Ur fat. Accept it
this roster wouldnt be terrible-it would depend alot on igl and coaching.
cNed duelist ardiis sentinel robbie smokes natank flex trexx recon
its a mid table emea team imo
ARDIIS SENTINEL???????????????????
2023 Masters Tokyo Playoffs Upper Round 1 NRG vs FNATIC Map 2 Bind Round 16 20 Seconds
trexx chrono shao suygetsu nats russian domination, signed to spirit, Yet another game for dragons to claim
not sinergy, not good players just STRAIGHT ASS
how can they have synergy without playing with eachother at all?
also cned and ardiis are pretty close
No ange1 dogshit team