Why does the community keep making old versions of the game and why do ppl get upset when valve takes them down ? Lol
u do realise that this an old traditional method for Map fixing and stuff. plus this just helps the community to know the features better. as for valve, idk about that
probably because the game is 26 years old and has many good versions and a lot of nostalgia!
why tf are you hating?
CS is probably one of the only main stream games where you have like 4 iterations spanning 26 years and all 4 have fanbases
rn the current CS (CS2) is unstable and unplayable af.
i've played both and the thing that makes me hate cs is that there's no successive kill audio
I dunno, the meaty sound when you land a nasty one tap clears any audio :)
because it's still a part of history, and cs players want to cherish it?
because cs2 is complete dogwatr
nah, for me it's better than cs go now, kinda miss GO cuz of the memories, but i have to accept that cs2 for me is better
becuz c2 is dogshit