who do you think has 4 stars with the least posts
is it possible to get 4 stars with one post?
just curious
cloudberry [#4]Chronicle got to 4 stars with 22 posts (and only the 22nd mattered)
where are you?
cloudberry [#4]Chronicle got to 4 stars with 22 posts (and only the 22nd mattered)
that time when he cooked babysasuke keke
delighted [#2]possible, but ur gonna need a shit ton of upvotes to get 4 stars
I’m pretty sure stars are based more on replies to your posts than just upvotes. I think a user got to 4 in like 120 posts without a huge number of upvotes but by mainly rage baiting. My first two posts had only ~60 upvotes but I got 1.5 stars basically immediately from a fair number of replies.
column1 [#8]I’m pretty sure stars are based more on replies to your posts than just upvotes. I think a user got to 4 in like 120 posts without a huge number of upvotes but by mainly rage baiting. My first two posts had only ~60 upvotes but I got 1.5 stars basically immediately from a fair number of replies.
Stars are based on your activity, not upvotes. The more you post/reply, the more stars you get. I remember this was somewhere in the settings explaining this before but I can't find it now.
syncz [#12]Stars are based on your activity, not upvotes. The more you post/reply, the more stars you get. I remember this was somewhere in the settings explaining this before but I can't find it now.
babysasuke [#17]rent free in all of your heads btw 😭😭😭
mf has thousands of posts about fnatic talm about rent free 😭😭😭
xdxdxdxdxdxdxd [#18]mf has thousands of posts about fnatic talm about rent free 😭😭😭
my biggest fan chronicle doesn't even know who you are 😭😭😭
babysasuke [#19]my biggest fan chronicle doesn't even know who you are 😭😭😭
the only reason he knows u its cause ur the unemployment final boss lmaoo
xdxdxdxdxdxdxd [#20]the only reason he knows u its cause ur the unemployment final boss lmaoo
unemployment final boss 🤓
can go band for band rn if you really want lil man
xdxdxdxdxdxdxd [#20]the only reason he knows u its cause ur the unemployment final boss lmaoo
check babysasuke's first post
the irony
column1 [#8]I’m pretty sure stars are based more on replies to your posts than just upvotes. I think a user got to 4 in like 120 posts without a huge number of upvotes but by mainly rage baiting. My first two posts had only ~60 upvotes but I got 1.5 stars basically immediately from a fair number of replies.
Oh so thats why people post bait here all the time
babysasuke [#21]unemployment final boss 🤓
can go band for band rn if you really want lil man
"band for band" 🤓 most attention u ever got in your life was when u got cooked online by a pro player