Poor guy being set up by these moronic fans. Struggled in tier 2, just to get shafted more in tier 1
geduelist [#3]Btw he didnt play any scrims
So he might sruggle in stage 1
Depnds on his form
he literally played the entire off season with ge not to mention they have 2 weeks to scrim
EseemedRes1180 [#5]He dropped 86 kills in a bo3 bro thats just a crazy take to say he was struggling.
in tier 3
cxrsedval [#4]he literally played the entire off season with ge not to mention they have 2 weeks to scrim
Yeah but GE has been practicing with the role swap. So now they need to revert to their role with the new meta and maps, in only 2 weeks against the hardest group.
cxrsedval [#6]in tier 3
Yeah but the T2 or t3 stats don't matter, he gave trials along with other T2 and t3 players of pacific region and came out as the best one
pussyjinxman [#9]not really. the opponents were of the likes of kellyS, xavi8k and dubstep
only good player there is kellys
pussyjinxman [#9]not really. the opponents were of the likes of kellyS, xavi8k and dubstep
Bro what are u even talking abt
KClaw [#11]Bro what are u even talking abt
I was talking about that particular 86kills bo3 match of patrick (assuming you asked me)
cxrsedval [#10]only good player there is kellys
xavi8k and dubstep are also good, however they don't shine as much as Patrick
delighted [#13]xavi8k and dubstep are also good, however they don't shine as much as Patrick
Xavi8k is actually really good idk DubsteP
Devanshhhhhh [#14]Xavi8k is actually really good idk DubsteP
yea im convinced you dk valorant and just give opinions form out of your ass
cxrsedval [#15]yea im convinced you dk valorant and just give opinions form out of your ass
Xavi8k is good wtf he is playing good in tier 2 tho idk how well he may or may not perform in tier 1
cxrsedval [#15]yea im convinced you dk valorant and just give opinions form out of your ass
TS had to move on from DubsteP, but shit stayed the same no matter who's in the roster
it's more of nerves issues if anything.
Devanshhhhhh [#16]Xavi8k is good wtf he is playing good in tier 2 tho idk how well he may or may not perform in tier 1
xavi8k will perform at least on a decent level just like Patrick (not copium at all keke)
Prathades [#7]Yeah but GE has been practicing with the role swap. So now they need to revert to their role with the new meta and maps, in only 2 weeks against the hardest group.
Not really. After Kickoff, Juv3 said they will scrim with Deryeon as Duelist so when Patrick comes, it won't be a huge change to how they play.