At least sen won't have have any bandwagon fans or as much parasocial freaks. I saw so many people saying they are gonna start supporting G2 which is crazy considering how they were same ppl hating on the org for the sucide joke tweet last yr.
aaa111aaa111 [#2]time to support sen again
Real SEN fans won't leave him, but rather push for him to be a better person. Only spineless bandwagons would use this to jump ship and shame him. I think zellsis is a great guy, and his career shouldn't be ruined by smth as small as this.
Galactc [#3]Crazy considering they probably won't watch a G2 game ever because of their attention spans being so short
Half of em would rather complain about streamers not watching gamechangers then rather watch it themselves.
Rodu [#5]Half of em would rather complain about streamers not watching gamechangers then rather watch it themselves.
Yeah as much as there are faults to game changers and t2 most of the people that complain don't watch like riot's not going to pump loads of money into something that nobody watches
"honestly EDG used to be my fav team, but I kinda stopped liking em after madrid. I like Kru Liquid SEN NRG PRX GENG rn, but i wanna see root for a underdog team at champs so im waiting to see who makes it."
idk who ur calling a bandwagoner when u only started supporting EDG again after winning champs, also blud named 6 teams so idk whos the bandwagoner
blud literally admit to bandwagoning
howsyfps [#9]"honestly EDG used to be my fav team, but I kinda stopped liking em after madrid. I like Kru Liquid SEN NRG PRX GENG rn, but i wanna see root for a underdog team at champs so im waiting to see who makes it."
idk who ur calling a bandwagoner when u only started supporting EDG again after winning champs, also blud named 6 teams so idk whos the bandwagoner
blud literally admit to bandwagoning
I never changed the flair though, I kept supporting them through champs even after g2 beat em. If you have enough time to look at my post history then don't be cherry picking LMFAO.
Rodu [#10]I never changed the flair though, I kept supporting them through champs even after g2 beat em. If you have enough time to look at my post history then don't be cherry picking LMFAO.
nah u a bandwagoner lmao especially supporting EDG with an American flag
Rodu [#10]I never changed the flair though, I kept supporting them through champs even after g2 beat em. If you have enough time to look at my post history then don't be cherry picking LMFAO.
bruh just accept u got exposed for bandwagoning
Rodu [#10]I never changed the flair though, I kept supporting them through champs even after g2 beat em. If you have enough time to look at my post history then don't be cherry picking LMFAO.
nah this embarrassing