If they needed a replacement X-Factor to TenZ and they wanted to move john to initiator, why didn't they just get Less and have Zellsis and john play double init
Yistyy [#2]getting less is probably not that easy.
less buyout was probably crazy or vit gave less more money
Dcoo99 [#7]less doesn't play controller (except viper) lol? Plus Kaplan said he had his eye on bang and narrate for a while
they didn’t mean replace tenz’s role, just his skill. also less plays astra too
michaelisupset [#9]yea I don’t really see the point of getting an initiator player if they knew john was going to go to recon role. I know n4rrate is confident he can play anything but still, they didn’t even look at anyone else
technically they trialled jawgemo
Dcoo99 [#7]less doesn't play controller (except viper) lol? Plus Kaplan said he had his eye on bang and narrate for a while
Less has been playing brim and astra on VIT.
bobwoblob [#11]Because that move makes no sense lol
How does it not make sense? Less > Johnqt Zellsis N4rrate Bang. Zekken and Less can literally 2v5.