Trace is not only the worst team in Master but also the worst luck.
After they lose to G2, they met T1. Back to back against grandfinalist
nuthoneycheerios [#2]fpx would like to speak to you
deadass, they couldve made top 8 in both ints,
had to fight geng and heretics in shanghai then in group of death in champs
truly unlucky to them tbh
cameran [#3]deadass, they couldve made top 8 in both ints,
had to fight geng and heretics in shanghai then in group of death in champstruly unlucky to them tbh
fpx are THE unluckiest
i forgot about that group of death...
rip GENG could've placed at least 3rd. literally didn't watch a single match after that until the grand finals cuz i was salty.
nuthoneycheerios [#4]fpx are THE unluckiest
i forgot about that group of death...
rip GENG could've placed at least 3rd. literally didn't watch a single match after that until the grand finals cuz i was salty.
bro that fucking match tilted every Pacific fan, no one thought DRX would be the last team standing that time
delighted [#7]bro that fucking match tilted every Pacific fan, no one thought DRX would be the last team standing that time
fr... but at least i didn't bitch abt it on vlr though
nuthoneycheerios [#4]fpx are THE unluckiest
i forgot about that group of death...
rip GENG could've placed at least 3rd. literally didn't watch a single match after that until the grand finals cuz i was salty.
G0ng just had to choke a comfortable lead on lotus smh