I was watching back the finals of Bangkok and I noticed that the crowd mic was significantly higher. It absolutely adds to the atmosphere and it is definitely worth the slight tradeoff in audio quality.
Good work
ArterieX [#5]Why are u thanking them ? Bro didnt u see The amount of Wireless gadget issues that happened KK , stax , simon and many pros had to play on different mouses , only the stream production was good behind the scenes was absolutely horrid
You won't often notice production until things go wrong, the polling rate issue was somewhat niche, sure they could've dealt with it better in the moment but now we have a public statement and a promise to have it fixed. Also that doesn't take away from the rest of the event. I was specifically talking about whoever mixes the audio, but it does honestly apply to the rest too.
ArterieX [#5]Why are u thanking them ? Bro didnt u see The amount of Wireless gadget issues that happened KK , stax , simon and many pros had to play on different mouses , only the stream production was good behind the scenes was absolutely horrid
or maybe the players should just change their polling rate from 8k because you can't even tell the difference between 2k and 4k, let alone 8k. And thats at a 540 Hz monitor, Bangkok monitors were only 240.