Is bangkok considered a mickey mouse tournament?
ninjaturtle [#5]Just cuz SEN shits the bed in a tournament doesn't make it mickey mouse
Bro im just asking lil bro
Yistyy [#6]The only mickey tournament is luck-in. Not a real masters, no seeding, no double elim, no teams in form, exhibition event, etc.
Can you explain how any of that matters? World should wait for team to be in form?
dino_zwei [#11]Can you explain how any of that matters? World should wait for team to be in form?
Nah, but it should be viewed with asterisks.
RzqoFoxie [#10]Thats such a dumb question.
You'll have salty kids crying and calling everything a Mickey mouse tournament as long as their team doesn't win.Let's be real here... G2, T1, VIT, EDG and DRX are all such strong teams. It's quite impressive for a team to beat each
Well, the majority of vlr said that sen winning madrid was mickey mouse and kept that naritive throughout the year. Now that t1 won, i want to see what vlrs opinions are of bangkok. I dont think its mickey mouse, but i dont understand why people dont read my title when i say "Question".
Clucker [#13]Well, the majority of vlr said that sen winning madrid was mickey mouse and kept that naritive throughout the year. Now that t1 won, i want to see what vlrs opinions are of bangkok. I dont think its mickey mouse, but i dont understand why people dont read my title when i say "Question".
SEN won. A deserved win
Though I am of the opinion that 2024 was a rather weak year.
Doesn't make the win any less valuable. The players and the orgs got the money, the trophy and the title.
RzqoFoxie [#14]SEN won. A deserved win
Though I am of the opinion that 2024 was a rather weak year.
Doesn't make the win any less valuable. The players and the orgs got the money, the trophy and the title.