sticked with his players despite the losses
xccurate and rossy got sacked cause he wanted a full kr team.
izu still on the team with carpe.
meanwhile tormi changes roster every week
TLDR; its not autumn, its the T1 management.
Warlordwibz [#4]
- From Joe marsh interview, looks like the management wanted full KR team in 2024, but autumn had wanted xccurate from 2023 and Xccurate said he wasn't ready at the time.
- Rossy was signed (end 23) because comms heading into 2024 was in english and k1ng wasn't comfortable.
- Xccurate had weekly KR lesson ever since his signing but unfortunately wasn't good enough.
- Daeda halfway 2024 season already knew that next season (2025) its gonna be full KR speaking roster from T1 management.
TLDR; its not autumn, its the T1 management.
fact that autumn wanted english team and signed rossy for k1ng will never cease to amaze me.
R136a1 [#6]fact that autumn wanted english team and signed rossy for k1ng will never cease to amaze me.