Everyone has expectations for PRX winning but they never do, instead GENG and T1 have it...
peetherium [#3]it means they have to lock the fuck in. they're the reason why the game isn't fun for them. if they put a little effort into modernizing their gameplay then they'd have a way easier time than they are now
tbf in a vid they just said that they couldm't convert their 97% scrim winrate into the games bcs they were "scared" of using their strats
this comment by peetherium (thx for replying to my thread btw!) has a fresh perspective on roster moves imo. rn I think the best move for PRX is to get a 6th man, sub him in for some games, and compare the results a little bit
Ch1llin [#5]tbf in a vid they just said that they couldm't convert their 97% scrim winrate into the games bcs they were "scared" of using their strats
legit wtf does that even mean? scrims are so unreliable for 1-to-1 result predictions that it's not even funny. other teams could've been drilling, focusing on certain set-plays, midrounding, etc. scrims aren't just "run it and try to win" it's focusing on patching your holes and weaknesses