waiting to see their reaction and their faces and reasons after t1 won bangkok lol
The real problem they have is most of the time they didn't talk about both map-win condition and tournament-win condition of each team and just say this team is better and likely gonna win the event. They used stats but VALORANT is a low validity case which mean stats lose a decent amount of its value as most are not exactly replicable. Think of how even if you have two games with the same position, same performance, same action for all players from round 1-10 but round 11 will likely won't repeat. Stats might be good enough predictor for match-ups but against the whole tournament, it will lose a significant value.
For example in this case the tournament-win condition of TL and T1 might be quite similar in the way that they amount of play they have define the better performance at the end. It might be some small thing like this that are more demanding from analyst, especially data analyst to isolate this metrics. I must say however video games variables is quite complex so yes it's something that unless you know the exact conditions, have some availability or mindfulness for certain aspects of data, and have time. You won't know for sure. With all respects to anyone, these guys and us are no experts so we're prone to failures. You can see the condition to become expert from Veritasium, which also applied for being better players if that's enticing for you guys.