Micheal "Mickey" Mouse is calling out again....
nooomy [#2]won a series where they all went negative... ACEND level fluke
What is fluke about Acend's win? They always owned Gambit
n1cf [#3]What is fluke about Acend's win? They always owned Gambit
Why the downfrags? I stated a fact lmao, Acend is 4-2 in head2head with Gambit, they even 13-0'd them once.
Acend to Gambit is what Loud is to Fnatic
n1cf [#5]Why the downfrags? I stated a fact lmao, Acend is 4-2 in head2head with Gambit, they even 13-0'd them once.
Acend to Gambit is what Loud is to Fnatic
n1cf [#5]Why the downfrags? I stated a fact lmao, Acend is 4-2 in head2head with Gambit, they even 13-0'd them once.
Acend to Gambit is what Loud is to Fnatic
where are they now?
n1cf [#5]Why the downfrags? I stated a fact lmao, Acend is 4-2 in head2head with Gambit, they even 13-0'd them once.
Acend to Gambit is what Loud is to Fnatic
nooomy [#2]won a series where they all went negative... ACEND level fluke
stats dont tell the whole story you mfs are dumb as shit
efweema [#7]where are they now?
How is this even relevant to the topic? BACK IN 2021, Acend was superior than Gambit and that's it? It doesn't matter how are they going now
n1cf [#10]How is this even relevant to the topic? BACK IN 2021, Acend was superior than Gambit and that's it? It doesn't matter how are they going now
literally washed after 2021 what a fluke l0l
efweema [#11]literally washed after 2021 what a fluke l0l
OK mister i did not know you were suffering from brain damage my bad have a good day
babushka_boii95 [#9]stats dont tell the whole story you mfs are dumb as shit
don't crash out bro we begging
n1cf [#12]OK mister i did not know you were suffering from brain damage my bad have a good day
bro cant even face the reality after their 2021 glorious run guy is in slowmotion foreva
efweema [#14]bro cant even face the reality after their 2021 glorious run guy is in slowmotion foreva
this your favorite player LMFAO what a fucking pussy