LOWKEY I think my boy iZu deserved to be the MVP, kinda snubbed
My underrated Flex GOAT
snowconedeity [#2]I think it’s just cuz it’s his second win and his time on gen.g, iZu played the best this tournament but Meteor is lowkey creating a legacy for himself
Meteor's resume is hella impressive now
He comes to GEN.G - they go to two finals, they win Masters
He comes to T1 - they instantly win Masters and make an impressive underdog run
AltonBu02 [#3]Before the GF, I would say he was competing very closely and even had the edge over meteor. But meteor was easily the second best player in this GF behind Jawg and since that's weighted more heavily, it makes sense to give it to him.
I see, that's a valid point