Pretty good for a boring event
Edit: Boring is obviously sarcastic
invert [#6]toronto hits 3 paris hits 5 Prayge
also that was NOT boring those were a great 4 maps if you ignore the lotus stomp
Voltigar [#13]nice try
Flag+Flair+NaVi win was a fluke+Aleksib is overrated and carried by jL and b1t+you're only relevant on boomer-strike+derkASS+Vitality Valorant in 2025 😂😂😂
butterdog_dogwithdabutter [#14]bro what
wdym gango
boomer-strike will never pull this kind of number in their lives
masters toronto will probably break the fucking record ngl
Anzaldinho [#16]Flag+Flair+NaVi win was a fluke+Aleksib is overrated and carried by jL and b1t+you're only relevant on boomer-strike+derkASS+Vitality Valorant in 2025 😂😂😂
Damn you are really retarded and irrelevant, and it's just facts, cs has still more viewerships than valorant and the scene is much better (random cs lan clear masters and champs, it's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get that hyperbole about esport cs being better, and it's just true, I say that as a valorant player)
But in the years to come, the valorant scene will hopefully get even better, i just want valorant esport scene to be like LOL
Voltigar [#18]Damn you are really retarded and irrelevant, and it's just facts, cs has still more viewerships than valorant and the scene is much better (random cs lan clear masters and champs, it's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get that hyperbole about esport cs being better, and it's just true, I say that as a valorant player)
But in the years to come, the valorant scene will hopefully get even better, i just want valorant esport scene to be like LOL
i will always be more relevant than your flair bro
Marc_ [#7]paris champs might break val all time peak
Yeah Champs Paris would feed generations maybe or I am double guessing
Anzaldinho [#20]i will always be more relevant than your flair bro
if it makes you happy in your useless, miserable life, go for it
I mean, man you you're pitiful, your repartee is based on vlr, you have so much nothing in your life, you're a shit and a loser lmfao
SleepingSnorlax [#21]Yeah Champs Paris would feed generations maybe or I am double guessing
no you aren't, all it needs is a close 5 map grand final, the shit is gonna hit the fan
Anzaldinho [#17]wdym gango
boomer-strike will never pull this kind of number in their lives
masters toronto will probably break the fucking record ngl
CS do easily this "kind of number", this is just a "sad" reality that you can't accept
Dreoxx [#15]People in this thread don't understand what irony or sarcasm is
They don't know about what was being discussed earlier they've missed the joke