Nahhhh how tf did they bottle that map? I thought it was wraps
That dawgemo ace just shifted the momentum drastically on g2's side
Also trent, my god this guy has to be the best aimer who plays ini I mean what a guy
Inadequit [#2]T1 sucks ass at abyss. They came up with a wacky comp to catch g2 off guard and maybe pull out the win. The minute they didn’t get 10 on attack it was over.
But to throw away a 6-0 lead is crazy... even with 2 duels at defense imo
Wingull [#4]wouldve been t1's without some huge clutches from trent and jaw, still believe in split and pearl though
Peaking 1 by 1 and standing in a line so that your opponent can line up headshots in a 4v1 when the spike is right in front of you is a crazyyyy thing to do
Ritasia [#6]it all started when they lined up for jawgemo ace g2 is so fluky
Yeah but I won't call it a fluke... that was completely on t1 for giving jaw those 1v1s and standing in a line to give him free headshots without adjusting a lot