Has To Be The BEST FLEX no ?
notepicfailboi [#4]close between jonahp and izu. i say jonahp cuz hes more consistent
JonahP agent pool is pretty limitted but izu can play every thing not that G2 need a wider agent pool but IZU fits the term FLEX better
LowGun [#5]Of 2025 yeah.
Otherwise Rb Chron f0rsaken comes to mind.
Izu was good bfore aswell the problem was his shit teammates
ArterieX [#7]Izu was good bfore aswell the problem was his shit teammates
Like rossy, carpe and saya? :0
LowGun [#8]Like rossy, carpe and saya? :0
yeah they were pretty bad last year but for some reason rossy wants to pop off this year
ArterieX [#9]yeah they were pretty bad last year but for some reason rossy wants to pop off this year
I think rossy was t1's best player for the majority.
LowGun [#5]Of 2025 yeah.
Otherwise Rb Chron f0rsaken comes to mind.
izu is better than forsaken
much better aim & util
LowGun [#10]I think rossy was t1's best player for the majority.
no it was saya or izu Rossy was mid on the scoreboard
Eyck [#14]Chronicle and Forsaken tied. This year tho, izu and jonahp
Can u even call jonah a flex ? he only play INI and some SENTI here and there