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Bro you literally said it was strange I consider it to be close between KK and Buzz what words am I putting in your mouth? And you know what's funny, the fact that I said I didn't like KK that much and you're calling me a KK fan. Like aren't you literally putting words in my mouth?

I'm not fumbling around my words, longetivity and recent performances aren't even close to the only factors in determining how good a player is all time lol. He only has longetivity because he's been playing longer, not because he's been playing better. KangKang ever since he's joined the international scene has been playing better overall compared to Buzz. Not only that, Kangkang has a much higher peak than Buzz who hasn't won shit. That is what pushes KangKang over Buzz imo.


Getting a little feisty now aren't we? This tends to happen when you know you've lost. You're yet to show me where I said accolades matter, if you don't show me then we know how weak your argument is. That's putting words in my mouth. You defending someone clearly behind the other is just the straight truth that only a fan would say.

Besides all that, its hilarious how you literally admitted buzz is better both in terms of longevity and recently. I guess kk is better when you take only the middle part lmao?


So you're assuming that I'm a fan because of what I've been saying, but I can't assume you think accolades matter based on what you've been saying? Little hypocritical no? And you were mentioning EDG's poor team results when we were talking about KK individual performance, so I was inferring that you thought that accolades had an impact on individual standing. That is completely reasonable. What isn't is you saying that me defending a player that you think isn't even close to Buzz means I'm a fan. If anything, you're bias is clearly on display during this argument.

Showing you can help produce winning results is extremely important. Also, I said he has longevity because he's been playing longer, not better. That's it. I don't think you know what longevity is, you should search it up. And by recently, I mean he's played better in this one tournament lol, that's it.


One is objectively correct, the other is you saying something that literally cannot be backed. Why can't you just show me where I said it hmm? It should be easy for you since it should be literally written down. Wild how you still can't, like a politician lmao. Just dodge and dodge.

Idk what more ground you have to argue on lmao, you literally trolled and admitted buzz is better both by longevity and recently. 😂 You can literally say whatever you want, but we both know who messed up and won this one lmao.


Ok here

"Besides champs, edg were a very poor team in terms of results before that. If you are basing the list off recency, then in no world does he deserve a spot over jawg and buzz like you claim he does. If you're basing the list off all time, then he doesn't deserve a spot over them even more so."

Also, I'm not a fan of KK, I just defend slander against players. I would do the same for Buzz or any other player unless I really dislike them personally.

And look up what longevity means, I don't wanna debate with someone who doesn't even know what that means.


Lmao? How does that support your claims that I said accolades matter? That was in response to you saying how one mid tournament doesn't matter and that it wasn't one mid tournament but actually some pretty poor ones before champs. Reading comprehension check? Wild how you keep grasping at straws even though this debate has been all but over when you goofed and literally admitted buzz better.


Cool, believe what you want to. We can't convince each other, it's all good.


All good, at least we both agree buzz is better, you said it yourself.


Putting words in my mouth after saying I do that is hypocritical, but whatever makes you happy ig. Also, who do you think is winning this match?


Nah, you're putting words in my mouth. You're yet to still show me where. At least I can show exactly where you admitted buzz is better by mistake. I still find it hilarious that you f'd up like that lmao

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