So they were top 10 in 2023, grouped in Madrid and Shanghai, then won champs and they have been good for a year???
Bro your logic is all over the place
I think we have different definitions of good year
I don’t consider it a good year if you don’t make an avg too 4ish placement for the year
2024 isn’t a bad year for edg, but it’s a mid year if you look at the whole year
They have been the best team itw starting from champs until now since they are top 3 itw rn, so not yet a fulll good year I’m on
I agree with you there, you don’t need to be consistently good to have a good year, but to say that a team has been good all year =\ team has accomplished a lot this year
For an example, if sen failed to make champs last year, they would have still had a masters win in 2024 which is an accomplishment, but they wouldn’t have been good in all of 2024 since they only really played well 1/3rd of the year
But they would have had a good year
I think I’ve not conveyed what I meant properly
I don’t mean it was a mid year, it was a great year, but they also weren’t good the whole year, if that makes sense
Can you call edg consistently good for a whole year if they got groups twice in a row then win?
You can say they overall achieved highly in 2024 since they won champs though