Department of VCT Efficiency
Basically all it is for is to remove slot wasters (emea) and remove the bum teams from franchise (dm, ge, all of emea, fur)
and maybe support t2
goofyahh1447 [#2]if lock in was a mickey mouse tournament then this is a mickey mouse tournament too
ur lucky EMEA's top talent is still on cs
CS in 2025 is too different, emea is good but ur cope is retarded
In 2021 i'd be like yeah donk could come and dominate easily, but in 2025, you have to understand that a CS players get to perfect every angle in the game, perfect every lineup on a 20 year old map that never changes
valorant players deal with more change in a single update than dust has in 15 years
NYANYANYANYAN [#6]To get further embarrassed?
No because teams will level up, KC vit and TH all have crazy potential.