overall round 1 thoughts

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im not gonna lie i think TL, SEN and TE are cooked. Dont see them going to playoffs.

T1 on the other hand is actually really good in my opinion. They lost 2-0 but two close maps and one where they bottled a good lead on the favored side of the map

i think its pretty clear that G2 and VIT set themselves above the other teams even if just a little bit, so they are going to playoffs.
to me its between EDG, T1 and DRX for these last two spots, but i would guess the first seeds still got it, although T1 vs DRX is pretty much a 50/50


I think TL threw split and they could've won map 3 against edg but once they lost split they were done. They were never winning pearl. They can still be alright but their map pool is bad. Sen, IDK, to me it seemed like they made no changes to lotus and haven was a weakpoint DRX was always gonna win. Seems like the 2nd seeds have at least a couple maps that are an auto-loss and they haven't pulled through on their map picks. Of the 0-1 teams, SEN is the only one that has historically been able to quick fix their weaknesses (champs/icebox madrid GF). If they don't improve a lot on at least 1 of their weak maps they are cooked. But I think they'll be able to do it and will have a good chance of making playoffs. As for TE, I just think they ran into G2. I don't think they had a chance of winning at any point. Can't really even gauge TE because G2 just teamplay/setup diffs everyone they've played. Will have to see what they do against T1 to know if it's G2 being insane. Because TE looked strong throughout the china kickoff.


I think TL are by far the best no2 seed and that's so weird to say


Thank god round 1 finished, cant believe only 17% is on 20 points, easiest pickems ive seen in ages.
looking forward to tomorrows matches actual competition and on top of that stakes are high.


well Liquid kinda threw that overtime and they could've won map 3, it was the closest 1st seed - 2nd seed game we've had. Sen got smoked, T1's games were close score wise but they weren't playing good valorant. I think Liquid and T1 still have a chance


TL are the best 2 seed but Sen fix their mistakes too fast
and T1 are good on every map and will against trace easily
T1 have serious choking and comms issue the team is early stages compared to the other 7 teams

DRX is clearly the best team of the tournament until top 4 they are not losing with freeing tejo
EDG will lose to G2 but if they reach top bo 5 they will win the tourney

Galactc [#3]

I think TL are by far the best no2 seed and that's so weird to say

T1 is better imo

Galactc [#3]

I think TL are by far the best no2 seed and that's so weird to say

I think in terms of performance they were 100% the best #2 seed team

for the next match, I think SEN is one of those teams that can bounce back easily because of the veteran players in the team so I’ll have them winning against TL despite their poor performance

loapoarg [#6]

TL are the best 2 seed but Sen fix their mistakes too fast
and T1 are good on every map and will against trace easily
T1 have serious choking and comms issue the team is early stages compared to the other 7 teams

DRX is clearly the best team of the tournament until top 4 they are not losing with freeing tejo
EDG will lose to G2 but if they reach top bo 5 they will win the tourney

G2 dominated on their map pick and won TE pick convincingly. If anything it just looked like SEN played like absolute shit on lotus and DRX heavily anti’d what sen had shown on lotus during kickoff. And DRX barely won their pick. DRX and G2 look the best imo.

Inadequit [#9]

G2 dominated on their map pick and won TE pick convincingly. If anything it just looked like SEN played like absolute shit on lotus and DRX heavily anti’d what sen had shown on lotus during kickoff. And DRX barely won their pick. DRX and G2 look the best imo.

Trace looked like the worst team of the event
They look like they forgot to aim
Lotus they trolled by fast attcking and defending they were panicking too much

loapoarg [#10]

Trace looked like the worst team of the event
They look like they forgot to aim
Lotus they trolled by fast attcking and defending they were panicking too much


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