(these are upsets-ie not likely, DRX beating SEN or SEN beating DRX is not an upset)
- VIT losing to T1-----(VIT have not gone against real competion besides TL who they prob shouldve lost too and rely heavily on firepower-if T1 shooters all play at their peak which is very possible I could see an upset taking place when the strats and igling of VIT crumbles)
- G2 losing to TE----(Might suprise yall that this isnt last, but G2 looked slightly shaky vs SEN in the GF on the first couple maps-but the real reason is TE had a month of prep to watch G2 and anti them, if they end up playing Split and Abyss I could see TE taking it)
- EDG Losing to TL---(The only way this happens if EDG dont show up AND their strats are bad, could happen but I think the form they are in + TL struggling on 3+ maps in the pool makes it unlikely)