not accepting game from mihoyo
Asianfattyx [#4]Already tried it, not good imo, boring af
i didn't play much but i like the combat a fair bit
TeoEmil [#3]You could stub your toe and it would be more productive ngl
Kinda true, i want to learn the appeal of gacha games for research purpose
GambleNats [#11]langrisser is neat if you like that fire emblem vibe
fgo is nice too
technically league is one too lmao
technically league is one too lmao
vollizie [#9]Best recommendation: don't play gacha games. Play ACTUAL games instead. Hope this helps!
A game where I cant gamble? cant recommend
Asianfattyx [#16]I hate tower defense unfortunately
You dont like wuthering waves (open world), dont like tower defense, so why are u even trying to get into gacha games? Most will have simpler gameplay than those so gacha games arent for you dawg