do instalockers usually top frag and entry into site or nah? is instalocking less of a problem in higher ranks?
goofyahh1447 [#5]imm1+ ? idk how big the gap between asc3 and imm1 honestly
yeah i didnt wanna say anything without knowing
im peak asc and i consider that to be medium elo
and at least from my perspective the answer is more often no
laeDLaer [#4]i am immo3 instalocker but i always entry because most of the time my initiator support me right. never bait in my life thats for pussy player
do you have an initiator duo?
goofyahh1447 [#5]imm1+ ? idk how big the gap between asc3 and imm1 honestly
there is no gap between asc/imm1. real gap starts at 400rr+, before that its all the same tbh
goofyahh1447 [#8]do you have an initiator duo?
i am solo 99% of my games. all my friends in low elo or only playin cs