No ways skRossi is actually good?
ShadowisBAD [#4]SKROSSI is good
every 60 seconds in africa a minute passes
This doesn’t change the fact that SA is a t3 region but I’ll admit this guy is actually good! Also this doesn’t mean you guys can spam him name
thanatos11 [#5]This doesn’t change the fact that SA is a t3 region but I’ll admit this guy is actually good! Also this doesn’t mean you guys can spam him name
sorry I will ask thanatos11 before saying anything in twitch chat
thanatos11 [#5]This doesn’t change the fact that SA is a t3 region but I’ll admit this guy is actually good! Also this doesn’t mean you guys can spam him name
when have i spammed his name
thats all
jesus man
u really have to associate me with the other indians who are hyping him up in youtube chat ( possibly overhyping him)
Supr3meGucci [#6]sorry I will ask thanatos11 before saying anything in twitch chat
You should my dad works for Microsoft
ShadowisBAD [#7]dude
when have i spammed his namei HAVE AS A MEME IN VLR
thats all
jesus man
u really have to associate me with the other indians who are hyping him up in youtube chat ( possibly overhyping him)
Not even overhyping him now he’s shitting on these guys! goatRossi
thanatos11 [#8]You should my dad works for Microsoft
I am sitting with a guy who works in microsoft.
thanatos11 [#5]This doesn’t change the fact that SA is a t3 region but I’ll admit this guy is actually good! Also this doesn’t mean you guys can spam him name
Not every Indian spams his name lol