egann [#5]
idk where you're looking at but karon and meteor was praised as much as t3xture last year
Most of peoples' praises go to good fraggers/aimers and sometimes IGLs. Great general util that sets up the duelist is rarely praised even if it's consistently very very good (even for a pro level). It's much harder to see that and also just far less interesting from most fans POV. If aspas gets a 3k but 2 were blind we all call him the goat and nobody says a word about the flash or the call or the molly that trapped them
It's just the way these games go and really every team game including real sports tbh. Meteor got praise because he fragged like an absolute madman and was easily a top 3 player itw before they got grouped at champs. Karon was a rookie who clutched and fragged and happened to be on a team that went from mid to S tier so he got a lot of shine (rightfully so)
In fairness tho duelists also get the most shit when they don't frag out or get first blood diffed or something so there's a give and take ig