I think vyse might be one of the most underrated ranked agents rn.
On defense:
People don't understand how to push into vyse setups and bait out walls, flash is consistent mid round info. You can wall to get 1v1s, isolate jetts or have a flank trip. If they don't hit your site you always have a flash for retake.
On attack wall is good for lurk info, people don't know where to stand when you throw vines for execs, flashes are good cause people hate playing ini in ranked and it's really easy to switch into aggressive lurk and then just throw vines to hold space when u get a kill and wait for ur team to ( hopefully) rotate.
My duo is a jett spamming 1.25 kd goat so maybe I am biased because I can semi consistantly rely on him to entry, but to me the agent just seems really strong