Mixed indian-international roster : done
all brain no aim roster : done
Mixed international roster : done
what should they try next?
I mean evryone knows that if this doesn't work out just throw in the towel put 3 Indians give them a good import duelist and IGL(even they should be someone like Azys who have played so much in India that they care about Indian valo) and let them play. I mean at worst you will come at same rank you come every year just lose some more rounds how does it matter. Atleast Indians will play for their flag nd pride nd kids can dream that one day I will take their place and represent my country nd then we will win something
Cmon bro that academy team isnt going to learn anything new sitting in India and playing with others there. There's a huge difference in big budget main roster nd academy roster. The current GE acad team's value you can judge by the fact that Jaggi rejected the offer from them and he is yet to play in Indian T2. This academy isnt a pipeline to main roster of GE , its being done so they can continue in franchising when re-evaluation happens
All your top T2 teams nd 2 franchised teams played in this tourney, quite a shame they all got cleared by a Tier 3 player playing in worst region no ?- and yess btw the guy on 2nd also came up from same 'worst' region of valorant