it's not a lie, their scouting and roster building is not very great and loses out to other regions, which you saw for years in ZETA, CR, DFM previous roster that all played in tier1.
They have been very bad historically in scouting own regional talent, they overrely to this day on players outside of Japan.
Not only that, they often reuse washed players like TENNN, Pablo, Sakurai and many more that aren't top tier talents anymore.
BB has been one of the few orgs that have always found good talent in JP and outside of it they scouted players like Jemkin, Something, Xdll, Kr1stal, Xero and Satwoshi, but they are definitely not the norm of Japanese orgs and do not have the coaching staff to back them up.
BB and NTH take risks to scout good talents unlike the big orgs Zeta and DFM, who have been very conservative in getting good tier2 players until very recently.
Scouting good players is one thing to do, creating a team that can challenge other top tier teams inside and outside your region is just as important.
Both NTH and BB didn't make Challengers despite having one or two very talented players, their overall roster is still badly constructed and lack better coaching to overcome this step to challengers.
Also pls stop blaming players for not getting scouted when Yutaro and others do play with other pros and have been grinding hard for months to make the pro scene, it's still up to the orgs to find those talents and develope them. A good chunk of orgs don't do basic research, ignore stats and use very old application systems instead of going out their way to find talent.