Matchmaking Conspiracy Thread

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Do you think that the matchmaking experience for everyone is the same?

Do you think that groups have the same experience as a solo player?

Do you experience the beginning of the season 70% winrate?


No. Smurf q is real, thats why I struggle to get to diamond on a plat smurf while I dominate in low immo lobbies on my main

If your winrate and stats are too good you'll get put against washed ex-high ranks and smurfs no matter what your actual rank is.

The game wants players to slowly rank up, not go on consecutive winning sprees.

Once your mmr is at a certain point it's hard to bring down, and what's fucked is that because your mmr is so high, the game punishes you with worse rr losses for losing what's basically an unwinnable game for regular players who just had a sudden improvement, and only rewards you with decent rr once you win against similar mmrs, even if your rank is gold and their rank is diamond.


No other rankers? Doing a survey for school.


idk, maybe for 100t it's different, they could use a coach like you

hey hows that 100t deal working out for you?

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