Anyone watches Dota2? At least the Internationals? If you do then who do u think will win TI10?
I Believe in Alliance and Secret.
MilanTheMyth [#2]Oh no how do I put this in off topic.
mods pls :3
Alliance omegalul
It's either going to be 3peat or chinese year imo
Itsover [#6]Ez for virtus pro(but if we are being real, some chinese team wins this, probably lgd.)
Yeah prolly PSG LGD my boi nothing to say got this PogU
Perma [#8]Yeah prolly PSG LGD my boi nothing to say got this PogU
Lgd fr look like they gonna win it all, but I am really surprised and excited to see both cis teams in the upper bracket, it took 10 years to repeat such a result since ti1 navi and m5 kekw
DAERTHEGZA [#15]i hope vp got this but its gonna be ig or psg :(
It would be a meme if these sss rank zxc ghouls win TI kekw
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DAERTHEGZA [#15]i hope vp got this but its gonna be ig or psg :(
in the end it is not vp but not bad at all