This might be a hot take and at the end of the day is a personal opinion but i really think Alecks should have been replaced a while ago, this is not so much about his ability to coach, even though we could talk about that too, and more about how bad he is for the team's mental.
I know most people are like 'haha alecks mad' but genuinely, if you watch any of the vlogs, it has gotten to the point that the players are visually affected by it. Constantly yelling at your players is not going to help them improve, it's going to end up breaking their mental, hurt the team's cohesion, break their confidence and ultimately make them worry during the game as to what they'll be yelled at for next.
I know some people are going to make the argument that "If you don't like getting yelled at you'll try to improve so it doesn't happen again" and i understand where you're coming from but as a coach you should also understand that sometimes your players are not going to magically understand their flaws and get better and that your job is to guide them, help them understand what they are doing wrong and how to fix it.
I do believe that if they had a coach who focused on yelling less and more on actual coaching and anti-strat, they would be a viable team to this day. This is not an attack on Alecks, i'm sure he is trying his best to help his team but i don't think he's taking the right approach to achieve that with his players.